Posted in Life Abroad

A Son is Born

Alright. So it’s Sunday night and I’m trying incredibly hard to sit down and focus to write my weekly blog post so that I don’t leave any of you faithful readers hanging but I have to say I’m having a difficult time. Not because of the lack of events that occurred this past week but because in less than 10 hours from now the best partner in crime in the world will be walking off a plane from ‘merica and into my arms.

I. Cant. Wait.

But it is 100 percent necessary to update you on this past week because next weeks’ post will be chaulkful of adventures thanks to Ricky Bobby aka Ericka aka the best partner in crime in the world. Not to mention we will be off to Berlin to see another dear dear dear friend of mine Casey, whom I’ve known since 8th grade. More about them both next week I’m sure.

So back to this past week. MERRY CHRISTMAS! In the last couple of week I’ve been asked multiple times about my staying in Copenhagen for Christmas. “Are you going home for Christmas?”, “Oh…why aren’t you going home for the holidays?”, “Are you sad you’ll be away from family?”, “Where will you celebrate Christmas?” “Staying at home for Christmas Eve?? (insert face of pure pity here)” were just a few of the questions that bombarded me. There are multiple reason why I chose not to go home and yes, I bummed that I wasn’t with my family. But I’m bummed everyday that I’m not with my family. Christmas is a great time to celebrate, be festive, and surround yourself with those that love you and that you love. At the same time, Christmas should really be about celebrating the birth of Christ. Which fortunately you can do at home, or away, alone, or with loved ones. So to celebrate I went to church then binged watching sappy Christmas rom coms for literally 20 hours. Not kidding. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I like to think I’m a pretty strong cookie, but a tear or two rolled out of my eyes, from either the movie plot, my eyes being so dried out from staring at a tiny laptop screen for countless hours in a row, or from looking at my families pictures wishing I was there. We’ll never know the real reason.

After Christmas Eve came and went, I did get to do a bit more celebrating on the 25th which is rare in Denmark.  (Here, Christmas is celebrated on the 24th alone). First I got to get some volleyball reps in with D (Emmy girl aka Ebola), Hardy, and Topher Grace (two guys from our Men’s Elite Team). Then I went home with D, she had invited me over to her host family’s house (Topher Graces’s family) where we had a delicious semi Danish Christmas meal, followed by carols around the Christmas tree, followed by present opening (I received gifts from the family which was SO nice and greatly appreciated), followed by a ridiculous game that includes scarfing down a rice pudding like bowl of dessert in the hopes of finding the one almond (ask me to explain later), followed by hours of a card game called “butthole” (PG version). Perfect for me considering my affinity for the word. It was a perfectly hygge (cozy) night.

Here are a few things I learned about Danish Christmas:

Julefrokost is a big deal. Julefrokost means Christmas Lunch, which all companies, families, friends, pets, inanimate objects etc., participate in. It’s a about 6 course meal that restaurants host or you can have in your home but they all include just about the same meals. Be prepared to eat lots of food and drink lots of adult beverages.

Don’t miss Tivoli in the winter time. Tivoli is a huge amusement park in the city center that has the most beautiful light displays during Christmas time. It’s like Six Flags on crack. I haven’t gone yet. But thanks to my visitors we will definitely be making a trip this week.

Christmas markets are a big deal. Pop up Christmas Markets appear on walking streets in the heart of the city that are the most hygge thing in the entire world. There are about 20 lined up wooden log cabins in a U-shape all filled with different trinkets, winter wear, sausages, crepes (with nutella!!!!), churros with soft ice, glogg (warm wine with cinammon, raisins, almonds), and so much more. They will definitely get you in the Christmas spirit and are unlike anything I ever experienced in the states.

Julemanden is Santa Claus but directly translated means Christmas Man, which isn’t necessarily useful at all but I thought it was pretty funny. Upon discovering this, I proceeded to ask my danish friends if they call reindeer juledyre (dyre=deer)…apparently they don’t.

Ok so it turns out I didn’t actually learn that much about Christmas in Denmark. But what I did learn is if you’re having a hard time with the cold Danish culture, Christmas is definitely the time to weasel your way into their snow queen hearts. Danes love to celebrate Christmas with loads of lights, schnapps, and glogg which put them in a pretty good mood. Just cook up a batch of ableskiver and you’ll melt those hearts to a normal freezing temperature.

Last week also included the end of the Final Four Weekend. After we lost, and I went through my bout of depression I rallied to attend the Danish Volley Galla that followed the Finals matches on Saturday. They had a dinner/award ceremony for us at a banquet hall followed by a live band. I met a nice Polish man from one of the men’s teams that twirled me around the dance floor. It was like I was back in good ol’ Abilene at Guitars and Cadillacs two stepping. But with a little more spice and a lot less cowboy boots. Although, trying to understand his Polish accent was just about as hard as a West Texas Cowboys’. Following the dance portion of the night, the volleyball players from all teams, ages varying between 18-29, decided to go into the city to continue the party. We literally danced our feet off. By the end of the night the twin towers (Ev and Amanda our two middles) were walking out of Kulor Bar with their shoes in their hand and feet as dark as mine. I also did not leave unscathed, still currently sporting two scabs on the back of my ankles as I type.

It was the first night our whole team got to spend together and it was a great time. I’ve said before that the only reason I have friends is because of volleyball. You meet the most wonderful people through the game and you automatically have something in common. I can count on one hand the amount of friends I have met through means aside from volleyball (I still love you equally Kinsey and Saba). That being said, volleyball girls all around the world, take advantage of the built in friends you get because they will last a lifetime if you want them to. I can already say 1 month in that I have new volleyball girly pops that I will be friends with for a lot longer than these short months that we have together.

For now I’ll be on Holiday break until Jan 4th enjoying time with old friends and new and creating memories that will last a lifetime. There are now officially only 9 hours now till Ricky Bobby arrives. I’ve got to go get my rest for the fabulous week that is to come.

Always wanderlusting,


One thought on “A Son is Born

  1. Enjoyed the post. Writing is one of my favorite pastimes. Glad to see you are on the “ball.” Bask in the adventures life will bring and we may rise to the occasion.

    P.s. I can be a bit of a butt-head from time to time so don’t mind me. Lol
    Truly Touched,


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